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Flight Data Systems will showcase flight recorder readouts and services at Aviation Week MRO BEER

Meet with Flight Data Systems at MRO BEER!

Aviation Week is excited to host MRO BEER in Vilnius, Lithuania, a global gathering of operators, OEMs, MROs, and suppliers from the Baltics and Eastern Europe, with attendees from over 50 countries. This three-day event features conferences that will deliver actionable insights on geopolitical unrest and economic pressures, workforce challenges, aging fleets and parts availability, regional competition, fleet management and MRO capacity challenges, economic pressures and mitigation strategies, and new technologies. MRO BEER is a collaborative industry event that not only offers networking opportunities with senior-level leaders and industry suppliers but also showcases strategic initiatives, products, and solutions that are shaping the future of our global aviation community.

MRO BEER will take place June 26-27 at the Radisson Blu Hotel Lietuva, Vilnius.

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Flight Data Systems is the leading provider of end-to-end solutions for capturing, downloading, and reading flight data from airlines and MROs. Shafeeq Mohd, Flight Data Systems’ Asia Pacific, Middle East and Eastern Europe Sales Manager, will be attending the event to speak with customers.

Flight Data Systems’ ecosystem of solutions includes the low SWaP SENTRY Cockpit Voice and Flight Data Recorders (CVFDR), the Handheld Multipurpose Interface (HHMPI) Flight Data Download platform, the Modular Acquisition Unit (MAU), and the Remote Data Concentrator (RDC). The capabilities enabled by these products ensure the safety of both passengers and crew and provide operators with novel ways of reducing expenses through deeper data and insights. Used by the world’s leading OEMs, militaries and MROs, HHMPI offers multiple download options for FDS, CRs and CVFDRs from the leading recorder manufacturers. The flight data readout and analysis services are used by over 300 organizations and are known for their comprehensive databases, repair and recertification services, 3-day turnaround time and 24-hour AOG support.

Preschedule a meeting with Shafeeq Mohd by filling in the form and connecting with Shafeeq on LinkedIn.


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