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Celebrating Women of Aviation Week with Jennifer Weiss

Women of Aviation Week is about celebrating women’s accomplishments in aviation and inspiring others to construct the industry’s future. As we highlight the women that are our aerospace leaders, Flight Data Systems is proud to encourage more women to join the industry. Women deliver energy to the industry that facilitates equality and innovation, and Flight Data Systems is honored to provide an environment that encourages women to become industry leaders. Because of this, we would like to highlight the talented faces behind our team.

What brought you to work in aviation? 

I saw a Honeywell job posting on the weather channel. I was an aerospace engineer in a master’s program wanting to get on the space shuttle.

What positive trait(s) do you feel women bring to the industry? 

I believe women bring estrogen or lack of testosterone. Women work more together to solve a problem rather than against one another as in a competition.

What would tell young females interested in joining the industry? 

Follow your dreams, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Mistakes are how we learn to be better.

Do you have a female mentor or idol in the aviation industry? If so, how have they inspired you? 

Yes. I have a mentor, and she is so logical in her approach and helps me overcome my emotional bias.

Do you have any inspiring lessons that you have learned about life while working in the aviation industry? 

Oh yes! Working in the flight recorder industry with accident investigators and regulators helps me feel this work is important for safe travel. The janitor had once told me I did great things!

What’s your favorite thing about the industry? 

I love seeing things from above.

To learn more about Women of Aviation Week, visit womenofaviationweek.iwoaw.org

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